Knowledge is precious, and that's why it's important to share it!


Find plenty of free material that will motivate you to start the process of changing your life immediately! With what you will read in these simple but targeted exercises, you will already notice that you will start to change!

Jill wants to share with you secrets that will take you to the next level

✓ how to leave behind negative emotions through forgiveness

✓ how to love yourself just as you are

✓ how to set and maintain your personal boundaries

✓ how to actively improve your life and move to the next level


Why for Free

✓ because helping others is invaluable

✓ because we want everyone to have access to the basic principles of life coaching

✓ because you will get a taste of the wonderful journey that awaits you





Values are your judgments about what is important in life. Values are an integral part of every culture. Along with worldview and personality, they generate behavior.

So, your behavior is relevant to what you are about to discover!

Your own Unique Values, drive you toward what is good, beneficial, important, useful, beautiful, desirable, appropriate, etc.

The values answer the question of why you do what you do. Picture that! Your Values help you solve common human problems for survival.

The aim of this game is for you to clarify what is most important to you and what your values are.


The Wheel of Life

The wheel of Life is a personal development tool that has been used since ancient times.
It was a tool to assess where we are in our lives today in order to see where we want to go.

The wheel of life, also known as the “life balance wheel,” “the coaching wheel” or the “life wheel,” is used to assess and understand how areas in your life are currently balanced and to help achieve a work-life balance. 

It’s a beautiful tool that will help you achieve your dreams.


Do you want to learn how to set your goals and achieve them?

Get The Plan for only $99


Have you ever thought how little you are loved, how little you are valued, how little you are admired? The time has come for all this to change! By understanding how important you are, you also understand your place in the world. Don't let low self-esteem lower the quality of your life anymore.

There is an exercise that gives you the necessary oxygen when your self-confidence is at a limit. The Mirror Exercise is part of the affirmations technique and has a positive effect on your psychology! This is not self-flattering or self-indulgent. It's about recognizing all that you offer and deserve.

Why in the Mirror?
✓ Because there you will speak openly and freely with a visible representation of yourself
✓ Because it is important to look you in the eye
✓ Because seeing our idol reminds us how beautiful and charismatic we are
✓ Because in our reflection we see how others really see us and not in the light of the insecurities generated by our Ego
Put the Mirror Exercise in your everyday life! Here you will find free all the instructions to do it right.
What will you gain from the exercise?
✓ When we are alone we overcome all inhibitions and share our most hidden fears
✓ It is the moment of the day that we are entitled to give to ourselves
✓ By externalizing what we feel, we give them their real dimensions and demystify them
✓ We will understand the power of being ourselves first before anyone else, our own warmest supporters

The Forgiveness Letter

There are times when relationships become complicated, they fill us with questions and insecurity about the future, mainly because we don't know how to correctly decode each other's feelings. If you also feel that you want to clarify the emotional landscape of your relationship, the time has come to write a...Forgiveness Letter!


What Exactly It Is
With the letter of forgiveness you will release all the negative feelings you have about your relationship. You will no longer ignore them, you will not suppress them! You will embrace them tightly, accept them completely and overcome them with a redemptive confession towards yourself and your partner!
When is the Forgiveness Letter Needed?
✓ if you are tired of misunderstandings
✓ if fights with your partner are a daily occurrence, even over the most trivial issues
✓ if you believe there is a more constructive way to resolve your disagreements
✓ if you want to unravel the tangle of emotions you have inside of you
✓ if you care about your partner and seek a better relationship with them
✓ if you want your partner to be an active member in the process of upgrading your relationship
Why would you do it?
✓ Because it is inexpensive
✓ Because it is very easy when you systematically put it into your life
✓ Because it is a two-way process that requires the cooperation of your partner and the manifestation of their own feelings
✓ Because it has proven to help millions of people in the world to improve their interpersonal relationships
✓ Because you can, in addition to partner relationships, apply it to family and friendship relationships as well

In the free pdf, you will find a lot of useful information on how you can write an effective Forgiveness Letter to your relationship.

We offer you the Forgiveness Letter completely free of charge, because we all deserve an upgraded level of relationships and a functional balanced communication of our feelings and needs.

Don't miss the opportunity to download the file and put into practice everything you will read there. You deserve a better level of communication with your partner and by releasing toxic negative emotions you are sure to succeed!

Your Vision

Download and listen to it once per day!


Learn how to bring your Vision to Life in only 4 weeks.

Do it with The Plan for only $99

How to set Healthy Boundaries

❓Do you always become a rug to be stepped on?
❓Do you always accept other people's suggestions even if they displease you?
❓Do you continue to be in a toxic relationship just because you refuse to be perfect?
❓Do you refuse to... refuse?

Note whether the following sentences describe
situations that represent you

✓ I always go to the places my friends choose
✓ Even if I am tired I have to take care of my sick father every day
✓ I cannot refuse to buy another toy for my child
✓ I always take it upon myself to transport my colleagues who don't have a car
✓ I always agree with my supervisor
✓ I agreed not to claim reduced working hours at work after I gave birth
✓ my partner is unfair to me but he loves me

Because we don't know how to set boundaries

✓ We cannot recognize our feelings
✓ We were brought up with the "good girl" syndrome and the cliché of "what will people say"
✓ We want to be liked by everyone
✓ We have associated the assertion of our wants with selfishness
✓ We have associated self-denial with the demonstration of love
✓ We don't always feel strong enough to support ourselves


What does boundary setting entail?


✓ I know my needs
✓ I know how to communicate them to others
✓ I know my strengths and recognize my emotions
✓ I respect different opinions but also the right to have my own
✓ Being socially functional does not mean giving in to my wants

So start today with the free tips you will find here to put more No's in your life!

From your smallest daily activities to the biggest, communicate your needs correctly!
Set your boundaries and you will be surprised how much respect
this decisive attitude of yours can inspire in others.

Don't forget that the people who dare to say no are often the most successful!

Your Daily Affirmations

Do you want to relieve stress and anxiety? 

Then I have this beautiful gift for you

We will be doing together your daily affirmations.

Affirmations are powerful phrases that through repetition we develop  into our subconscious mind. 

I suggest you listen to them before you get up from your bed in the morning, to set the day or before you go to sleep.  

I suggest you download the audio in your phone and store it in a place where you can have easy access.


Evi Petsiou

Personal Development Coach Business:Well-being Director


Working with Jill Douka MCC and through my studies at the Global Academy of Coaching, a certified organization of ICF, I understood the value of coaching as a practice that empowers you to take action. I stopped dwelling on the past and shifted my focus to where I channel my energy, my time in the present, and the future. Now, everything happens faster, and I have started to develop my vision, my own coaching & consultation business focused on self-improvement both at the individual and corporate levels.

Apostolia Tsertou

Teacher - Life Coach

"With my session with Jill Douka, I put my thoughts in order, gained a lot of confidence, made my vision clear and I'm excited to make it happen. Thank you!"

Mariam Jaber

High Performance Life Coach 


Within 30 minutes of my life coaching session with Jill Douka MCC, I got inspired, I now look at the reason I want something, I clarified my niche, I found the ideal clients for me. I feel joy, satisfaction and bursting with enthusiasm! Thank you!

Denise Searle

Transformational Coach


I've just spent an hour on Zoom with Jill Douka Master Coach and all I can say is she's absolutely phenominal. Issues that have been whirring around in my head unable to resolve for months ( if not years being honest) have been clarified. In just one hour Jill Douka MBA, MCC⁩ has helped me find clarity and helped me with a structured plan to make things happen. I feel empowered and have found clarity in my mission. If you were thinking about signing up just do it, you won't regret it.

Jill Douka MBA,MCC

Jill is a Master Certified Coach accredited by the International Coaching Federation in the 4% of coaches worldwide, International Bestselling Author of Create Love, bestselling author of How to Create Your Life, Suddenly Now and Woman Now Business Mentor Awarded by European Union and Global Academy of Coaching Director

She is Greek Canadian and has trained, coached and mentored thousands of individuals in Europe, USA and Asia.

She is considered to be one of the most acclaimed coaches in Europe by the press and is one of the first Europeans invited to speak in a TEDx event in Asia and Europe in the same year.

She is the founder of Global Academy of Coaching which is dedicated into supporting individuals to become coaches who support their clients to thrive while at the same time they serve as top leaders within their community. She holds an MBA from ALBA and is an International Coach Academy graduate.

She has studied Human Resources in Cornell University and holds a Masters degree in Cultural Management and Political Science from Université Paris Dauphine. Studied Contemporary Dance and Choreography in Merce Cunningham Foundation in New York. Jill is a member of Hellenic Coaching Association, member of the European Business Mentors, member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council and founding member of the European Evolutionary Business Council. She is a member of International Coach Federation.

Mrs Douka was chosen and awarded as a mentor at the European Business Mentors network. She is an active philanthropist.

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